Merola Career Grants
Since 1999, the Merola Opera Program has awarded grants to alumni of the Merola Opera Program. Grants are awarded by the Merola Board, based on recommendations from the Merola Career Grants Committee, chaired by the Chairman of the Merola Board, or his/her designee, and composed of the Merola Executive Director and President (both ex officio, nonvoting) plus an even number of Merola Board members (chosen by the Chairman of the Career Grants Committee), as well as the San Francisco Opera Center General Manager and Artistic Director (both ex officio, nonvoting) for artistic input.
The purpose of these grants is to assist in furthering the careers of young opera artists. Grants are not intended to fully fund requests however worthy they may be.
Any expenditure that will further an applicant's opera career will be considered, e.g., voice lessons, language study, coaching, audition and/or competition travel, performance attire, musical scores, and role preparation.
Regular Career Grant applications may be submitted at any time, but will not be considered until the quarterly application deadline dates (3/1, 6/1, 9/1, 12/1). Funds will not be granted for activities which have already been completed or which started prior to the 16th of the month before the application deadline (e.g., May 16 for a June 1 deadline). Funds will only be granted for activities occurring within the four months following the application date plus the preceding two weeks.
Artists may apply for Emergency Career Grants if they are made aware of important career-building opportunities, but timing makes it impossible to apply and qualify within regular Career Grant quarterly application deadlines. Please see Merola Emergency Career Grant Application.